npm install debate
About a few hours ago, eleven lines of code disappeared and thousands of projects broke. As every time something not so good happens in the industry, we have to talk about it.
In case you haven't heard, a developer took a really drastic decision and unpublished all of his modules from npm — I suggest reading his post to understand better why he did it.
This could have been a minor thing, but popular libraries and tools such as Babel depended on one of his modules and builds started to break everywhere.
Moving fast
Industry is making us solve stuff quickly, build stuff quickly, and that comes at a price. Moving fast has its consequences like not having a plan B, or having a not so good plan A.
I'm pretty sure that an event like this wouldn't have been possible in the front end community just a couple of years ago because the needs really differed from the ones we have today.
Change is constant.
Benjamin Disraeli
We are in the presence of one of those big moments when we find out that something is not as good as we thought and we need to evolve and find a solution.
We can do better
As Azer, I wouldn't be that happy if someone else took possession of one of my packages deliberately. I invested my time on that and kindly opened it to the community for free use.
What could Azer have done better? Knowing that thousands of projects might be affected, inform developers that a package won't be available through npm in a week or a month.
Some people had a horrible time trying to find out why their projects were breaking. When the reason was revealed some of them understood his reasons, but didn't agree with him and probably both are right.
What could we have done better? We are relying a lot in npm modules, or at least we need a back up plan. I'm sure that having this discussion will take us somewhere better.
Rich Harris published his solution for this.
What could npm have done better? Probably ask lawyers for more time to explain the situation to the community, and be more open about what was happening. I don't quite agree with what they did, but maybe this whole lawyer thing got them scared, I don't know.
By the time I was writing this there was no formal statement from npm, but we will have one soon for sure. I'm sure they are not happy with this whole thing either.
When you think about it, this sounds more like a communication problem than a technology one.
I think it is time to learn from this, find solutions to build more bulletproof stuff in the future, to be more open when we know our actions can affect others.
As any group of individuals, we developers see the same thing from a different perspective and we are building our careers and our lives from there.
Something went wrong. It means we need to do it better. We can do better.
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